Weasels on Easels
August 2024
At Ashaeda’s Desk

Heads! Heads! Heads! I am working on 2 sets of heads right now, first is Anon Darss and Ashaeda 2.0. The second set is Khajiit and a matching premade. We are working on some new methods and organizing steps to increase our workflow as a studio, so far we are making good progress. I will be working on these on and off in the next few weeks to get them further along.

Next up we have tails! We have been working on these together in between larger projects. I have been tag teaming tails with Garrundt and Arctonyx, we have all put many hours into restocking for our upcoming events. Garrundt has updated and rearranged the tail chart for our studio to better reflect pricing and size of each tail for our tracking and stock consideration moving forward.
Ashaeda has painted and prepped a pair of detailed jawsets for the khajiit pair of heads. They will both be made in tandem for maximized time usage. We will likely be streaming progress over the next few weeks.

Last but certainly not least Anon Darss has had progress on his padding. We found some weird things done from after the head injury but we fixed them now and made a step checklist and clip system to prevent mistakes like that in the future. We have since assembled 4/6 of his padding pieces, they are fully lined in and out with zippers for polyfil adjustments.
News in the Coffee Cavern
Check out our new products in the Etsy shop this month!

This month we have added our new hyena headbases! They are available in resin and foam and are now and options for clients to choose from for their builds.

There has been a lot of work on con stock and premades from Arctonyx and Garrundt as of late. Arctonyx has been busy making tails and restocking various products we carry at cons.
Garrundt has been working side by side with Ashaeda in recent weeks getting Silver Wolf’s feet paws to the final detailing stage, they are now ready for final trimming and airbrushed details! Tune in to Ashaeda’s upcoming streams to watch the final steps to this project!

Arctonyx has been working on various sanding projects including getting bases cut and hinged, sanding and finishing all of the resin parts. He has been a very busy darss.
Want to see what's being worked on before your suit?
Beyond the Studio
AFC 2024
Our next scheduled con is Another Fur Con, followed by Arizona Fur con and BLFC back to back. We have been applying for BLFC for several years now and are very excited to possibly return for a second year in a row. We attended as vendors at BLFC last year and had a great time! We plan to apply for Midwest Furfest this year as well. We don’t have high hopes, but who knows. Worth a shot, right? We have been applying to as many events as we can and always apply to events we vend in prior years

We finally got an ADA friendly apartment! We moved very suddenly in February and have been slowly getting the new space setup and functional. It has taken a lot of work between other tasks and conventions. We have the studio about 80% put together the way we want it for work, we just got streaming back up this last month and have a flow going in the new space. Moving has given Ashaeda more function to use their wheelchair both in and out of the house and has had more freedom to move about as needed. The space is entirely arranged based on accessibility and we plan on making a “welcome to our accessible studio” tour of sorts to show our growth in this new change.
Upcoming Conventions
Conventions help us earn revenue that is used to order materials, cover business expenses and refunds without the need to open the queue. Con stock is primarily handled by Arctonyx and Garruntd.
Another Furry Con (Confirmed)
Another Furry Con takes place on September 27-29 2024 in Ontario California.
Arizona Fur Con (Confirmed)
Arizona Furcon takes place
October 11-13, 2024 in Mesa, Arizona
Biggest Little Fur Con (Confirmed)
Biggest Little Fur Con takes place October 14-17 2024 in Reno, Nevada
Current Studio Health Status
Arctonyx has been steadily recovering after his head injury. Ashaeda has been working on a narcolepsy workup with their neurologist. Ashaeda has lost 5lbs! It has been a lot of work but they are making strides in their weight loss journey. Other than that there isn’t a whole lot happening of note health wise in the studio, which is good. Everyone is doing okay at the moment.
Meet your studio crew!
These are your background Weasels! Helping to fill orders, handle con-stock, and training to become fully fledged makers, they handle background tasks so Ashaeda can work on the queue.

Shipping, Molding and Casting Master, Customer Service, Con Stock, Order Fulfillment
Also known as: John Snow Leoparrrd
The cheerful yet grumpy darss we all love. He is the maker of all of our molds and printer of all things 3D. Arctonyx enjoys learning about unique communities and has an Anthropology degree. He is an avid rock collector and makes wire wrapped jewelry in his free time.
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Head Artist, Head Fursuit Maker, Custom Orders, Product Design, Manager
Also known as: The Darsi Den, 96037
Ashaeda is the origin and heart of Weasels on Easels. Turning a love of nature and wildlife into a passionate drive for creation, Ashaeda has been deeply buried in art for most of their life. When not behind the easel, you can find them swimming or partaking in nerd culture.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs

Garruntd / Ube
Assistant Manager, Custom Orders, Order Fulfillment, Con Stock, Convention Table Helper, Furry of all Trades
Also Known as: Ube, Random Studio Darss
Garruntd is a caring, hardworking individual providing assistance to Ashaeda in the studio and at cons. Garruntd hopes to become a registered nurse one day. When not working, they are often spotted drawing or playing video games.
Pronouns: They/Them/He/His